7 years, 8 months ago.

No reaction on UDK Serial D9


I have a mDot mounted on MTUDK2 Board . I am trying to send some simple AT Command from Termina(115200, 8N1), no answer is coming from mDot/UDK. I have updated the AT Command Firmware but nothing appends. Any Help is welcome, thank you.

Question relating to:

MultiTech's official mbed team.

2 Answers

7 years, 1 month ago.

I have the same problem but with Windows 10

7 years, 7 months ago.

Hello Albert,

Have you solved you problem?

Earlier I got the same problem but then I managed it by connecting mDot to USB port on my laptop with Windows 7 platform, on device manager if you do the same, you may notice two ports namely XR21V1410 USB UART (COM18 in my case) and STMicrocoelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port (COM 17 in my case). If you open Tera Term and connect to serial port in this COM 18 you will access the AT-Command. This works for me on AT Command firmware 2.0.16 and I can set it to work as class C LoRaWAN end-device.

Let me know if it's still doesn't work for you.