9 years, 1 month ago.

Error 40

I am struggling with the above error - hope someone can point me in the right direction

<<code int RC5_start; int RC5_system; Format 1 E/N t s4 s3 s3 s1 s0 int RC5_command; Format 0 0 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 int RC5_flag; int ERROR; int FLAG; int biphase_bit; this is the biphase bit decoder

Ticker clock1; 444us Ticker clock2; 889us

void rc5dat() {

here we disable the interuppt so we can process the bit stream void disable_irq(); FLAG = TRUE; }

<< /code>>

rc5dat is called from an interrupt in main() like this


int main(){

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); for debuging only FLAG = FALSE;

/* first we set up the port lines we are going to use */ /* the RC5 decoder is triggered on the rising edge of rc5int */ /* and the data is read in on rcdat */ InterruptIn rc5int(p21); this triggers the RC5 decoder DigitalIn rc5dat(p22); this is where the data is read from

rc5int.rise(&rc5dat); trigger int on rising edge - go service it at rc5dat main loop do {

if (FLAG == TRUE) { save_stream(); void enable_irq(); } while(1);



<< /code>>

Thank you

Please enclose code fragments between <<code>> and <</code>> (hint: <<code doesn't work!).

posted by Paul Griffith 18 Apr 2015

I assume you mean compiler error 40? If so, please copy the error message you get.

posted by Erik - 18 Apr 2015
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