7 years, 9 months ago.

Where is mbed-os 5.1 library source?

Where can mbed-os 5.1 source be obtained for off-line use?

2 Answers

7 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Ron,

The latest mbed-os source can be found on the GitHub repository:



Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

Andrea, thanks, strictly correct, though I was looking for the equivalent of mbed-dev to enable exporting directly from the on-line compiler, so for that I will ask a different question. Best wishes, Ron

posted by Ron Segal 10 Sep 2016
7 years, 9 months ago.

What Andrea said is correct, but you'll have some trouble building. If you use mbed-cli it will automatically pull in the latest mbed OS 5.1 sources plus build tools.

Thanks Andrea and Jan. Right, so in that case how can an mbed-os 5.1 program be exported to an IDE such as OpenSTM32 (with which I'm currently working)? Be grateful if you or somebody could briefly explain the steps.

posted by Ron Segal 09 Sep 2016

Ron you need to look here:


And then obviously use the repo above.

Edit: Ron, this is for mbed 2.0 and is unlikely to work with mbed-os 5.0, this will probably be updated in the future.

I'd look at building with mbed-cli and GCC https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.1/dev_tools/cli/

posted by Andrea Corrado 09 Sep 2016

Thanks for getting back Jan. I'm familiar with exporting mbed 2 applications to OpenSTM32. By the way, that link is out of date, misleading even, as it's actually much easier! So I was looking to do the same with mbed-os 5.1. The method of exporting mbed 2.0 won't work of course because it appears that there's no mbed-os 5.1 source library equivalent of mbed-dev, which was the point of my original question. Using mbed-cli certainly seems like a possible option, thank you. It looks like it's capable of exporting to various IDEs, hopefully including SW4STM32. As an aside, with the appearance of mbed-cli, the rationale of where mbed is heading is a bit unclear. Best wishes Ron.

posted by Ron Segal 09 Sep 2016