7 years, 9 months ago.

Why mbed assertation failed?

Hi, i use LPC1768 platform with Mbed and EthernetInterface and mbed-rtos library in a code.

EthernetInterface library is update and mbed and mbed-rtos library last update are 06-14-2016 and its work fine with some warning.

But if i update mbed and mbed-rtos library with the last update i can compile out of error and warning but if i run my mbed the serial debug say : mbed assertation failed: _ptr == (T *)&_data, file: C:/Jenkins/workspace/mbed-2-build-library/.build/mbed/SingletonPtr.h, line 84

Here, https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/file/b0220dba8be7/SingletonPtr.h Line 84 i can read "_ptr was not zero initialized or was corrupted if this assert is hit"

So its a ptr in my code? i don't unterstand this and i dont know what can i do to correct this excepte don't use last mbed and mbed-rtos last version.

Thanks for your help!


there's one thread safety bug that you might see (there's fix in progress). Do you know where is this singletonptr used (got any debugging available, to get more details?).

posted by Martin Kojtal 22 Aug 2016


I tried to isolate the problem and it could be related to the SPI.

If I declare a SPI communication and uses any function (write, size, frequency), I have the message. mbed assertation failed: _ptr == (T *)&_data, file: C:/Jenkins/workspace/mbed-2-build-library/.build/mbed/SingletonPtr.h, line 84

If I declare a SPI communication and don't use function, no problems.

If I don't declare a SPI communication, I have a new message. mbed assertation failed: interrupts_disabled, file: C:\Jenkins\workspace\mbed-2-build-library\hal\common\mbed_critical.c, line 54

posted by Y SI 23 Aug 2016


Good news, the last update from mbed and mbed-rtos library compile out of error and no assertation failed.

posted by Y SI 18 Nov 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 5 months ago.

Good news, the last update from mbed and mbed-rtos library compile out of error and no assertation failed.

thanks, resolved

Accepted Answer