7 years, 9 months ago.

example of linear touch sensor with the DISCO-L053C8?

Is there a library or an example for the linear touch sensor with mbed for the DISCO-L053C8 board?

Question relating to:

The 32L0538DISCOVERY board helps you to discover the ultra-low-power microcontrollers of the STM32 L0 series.

3 Answers

6 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Henry, im looking for this library as well. Did you find anything?

No, I haven't found anything as mbed library for the linear touch sensor

posted by Henry-Claude Seran 03 Jul 2017
4 years, 9 months ago.

I've spent a couple hours with the Discovery board (STM32L0538C8-DISCO) trying to do the same.

I chose the board for a project and was going to use the touch sensor for changing features in my program.

The best I've found is someone attempting to do this from scratch, he failed and was kind enough to post it.

Somewhat disappointed (and concerned) that there doesn't seem to be much support for STM kits.

This seems to be open issue for three ( 3 ) years.

The Kiel MDK will compile an example but the result is larger than the flash to load it.

6 years, 8 months ago.

I would as well be interested in this, it would be nice it there'd be a library to use the touch sensor, the current measurement and the USB HID mode. It's kind of sad that you can't use those easily with mbed...