9 years, 1 month ago.

current status?

Hi Is the DMP working? Whish stm32 are you using? Thanks Regard Francesco

Question relating to:

MPU DMP code modified for use with ST Nucelo boards. This Library makes use of I2Cdev. DMP, I2Cdev, MPU6050, MPU9150, Nucelo

1 Answer

9 years, 1 month ago.

Yes, this library has been tested with Nucleo F411. Are you getting any errors?

Accepted Answer

Hi First of all thanks for your feedback. Me too I'm on a F411Re Yes I have some errors.

Few of them was already fixed (missing config.h and missing define)

Now while running the MPU6050::dmpInitialize seems working fine... but while returing zero it seems the CPU gets lost... because it never really returns to the calling function...

Moreover I saw that I using an external (off-line)Compiler I have worse result than the mbed-online-compiler. with the online compiler the MPU6050::dmpInitialize always completes (and after that the CPU gets lost...) with offline compiler... MPU6050::dmpInitialize hangs while writing the dmpMemory...

Do you have some example program to test the library? Did you have problem like below? Could you provide the whole binary against an F411RE?

Thanks Regards Francesco

posted by Francesco Virlinzi 08 Apr 2015

I havent had an issue like this, can you perhaps post the code that you are using with the library? The testing has been done with the online compiler only, not sure about results in uVision, but it should be pretty much straight forward...

You can try out the example from my repository I posted with this library: https://developer.mbed.org/users/akashvibhute/code/MPU9150_nucleo_i2cdev/

posted by Akash Vibhute 08 Apr 2015