7 years, 11 months ago.

Copying .s19 file to FRDM KL25Z bootloader drive does nothing / Win7 PC

As described above, I have an early purchase Freedom KL25Z that I'd like to start using in the mbed environment. I can see the board as a mass storage device on the SDA port and I've copied the posted .s19 file to the bootloader drive to no avail.

The board is unrecognized when using the USB port where I *believe* I should see mbed.htm?

Here's my profile when I launch sda_info.htm: Board Name is: FRDM-KL25Z

MicroBoot Kernel Version is: 1.05

Bootloader Version is: 1.09

Installed Application: PEMicro FRDM-KL25Z Mass Storage App

Application Version is: 1.09

DUID is: 9A933938-8F0881E3-376FD80F-B76DE678

EUID is: A411A239-20628769-1870FA14-957668D6

TUID is: 74823938-473281A6-37779809-B85CE678

TOA is: 86B6E505-311261C7-41E6B687-2D0CD066

TOA2 is: 86B6E505-21BD24F1-CDE430D7-D370636A

SUID is: 86B6E505-6C47A61D-37239804-8003EC65

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.


You will need to update both the bootloader (the .s19 file) and the interface firmware. See instructions here :https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/KL25Z/#firmware .

Please make sure you have done both steps.


Accepted Answer