8 years ago.

SimpleBLE Example with nRF51822-mKIT, no device found.


I am trying to get the Simple BLE Example to work with my nRF51822-mKIT. So far I haven't had any luck. The other bluetooth examples work fine with board but something seems to be wrong with the Simple BLE Example. The onboard LED1 doesn't blink and no devices are available when scanning with my android phone (using nRF master controls)

I have updated the firmware to the latest and I tried updating all libraries when importing the program to the Mbed IDE.

By adding a few serial printfs I can see that the board stops responding at ble.start();

Strangely if I remove the printf the LED1 turns on, but doesn't blink. If the printfs are added then the LED1 doesn't turn on. So the serial print is affecting the program, but regardless it doesn't work.

Am I missing a particular step in the setup of the program? I read the blog post a few times but there doesn't seem to be any problems with the example I can see.

I am planning to use this for a workshop so it seemed the perfect library.

Any suggestions for debugging or finding the problem?

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.

Sorry for the late reply, didn't see it under the "Simple BLE" (with space) tag.

16K Nordic devices often stop working when you call printf(). I think it's because SoftDevice already takes up 8K, leaving 8K for program code, and printf() calls take up memory. If you remove all printf calls does the device become visible in nRF Master Control panel?

I'll see if I can find an mKit and try as well.