7 years, 12 months ago.

Not getting Response from Wiznet Wifi (interfaced with FRDMK64F)

Not getting Response from Wiznet Wifi (interfaced with FRDMK64F) As I have FRDMK64F board and Wiznet-WIZfi250 daughter board for wi-fi. I am using sample application https://developer.mbed.org/teams/WIZnet/code/WizFi250_hello_world_demo/ (some of pins are modified for FRDMk64F as : WizFi250Interface wizfi250(D1,D0,D7,D6,D2,NC,115200); ) While doing some testing I found that, not able to get IP address by using function "wizfi250.getIPAddress()" After further investigation I found that Wiznet-Wizfi250 is not sending response for AT command "AT+WSTATUS" so I am unable to get the IP address. It seems like that issue is with USART but I am not sure. Is anything else to be done to configure the wiznet board apart from the sample application then please let me know. or If anybody knows the solution for this issue then please reply for my query.

Also attached image of output: /media/uploads/inrmeena/wstatus.png

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Assigned to DongEun Koak 7 years, 9 months ago.

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