8 years, 1 month ago.

Thread class objects do not start

Hello mbed users.

I wish to employ threading and prefer to use the C++ Thread class. My platform is the Peach based on the Renesas RZ/A1H processor.

I am using mbed-dev (or mbed-src), and mbed-rtos libraries. I find the basic C thread management calls work, viz the Thread example in https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/CMSIS-RTOS the led2_thread thread starts and runs correctly.

However, if I use the Thread class, which appears to be a wrapper for the above classes, viz the Thread example in https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/RTOS the led2_thread thread DOES NOT start.

Is this a known problem? The above code fragments are copied unchanged from the mbed website. Also, if I use mbed-src the problem is unchanged.

Thanks for any assistance.

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