8 years, 2 months ago.

Using virtual comm port (USB) from Multitech UDK

I've compiled and downloaded the mDot_helloworld program to an mDot plugged into a UDK2. The program appears to be running fine

Unfortunately this noob has not figured out how to get the so-called virtual commport / USB "Debug" output to appear anywhere on my PC (running Fedora)

The tutorials on https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/SerialPC etc are not very helpful. For Linux it says to run the command: ls /dev/ttyACM in order to determine the ID of the port but this fails as such: ls: cannot access /dev/ttyACM: No such file or directory

Any help would be appreciated. -Mike

OK, as I said: noob - the command is-> ls /dev/ttyACM* (I thought the * was for a footnote. LOL)

posted by Mike G 29 Mar 2016


posted by Jan Jongboom 30 Mar 2016
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