9 years, 2 months ago.

I'm getting No such file or directory "#include compiler_abstraction.h"

Just compiling a vanilla BLE_button with no modifications. Also affects other BLE demos that I tried. Looks like something pretty basic and I'm new to mBed.

Question relating to:

A template for applications where some small amount of data needs to be notified to a phone app over BLE. It is a good starting point for notifications.

I just compiled it with no problems! Are you using the correct compiler Nordic nRF51822.

posted by David Fletcher 26 Mar 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.

Echoing what David said, I think your issue is you have to select the correct Nordic BLE board in the compiler. You can change this by clicking the button in the top right corner of the IDE.

Accepted Answer

But first you need to add the BLE platform you have to your account!

posted by Sam Grove 27 Mar 2015