8 years, 4 months ago.

Nano connects and disconnects

I have updated the firmware on the nano and the device shows up as MBED drive. The device will disconnect and then reconnect every 30 seconds.

I have attempted reflashing the firmware several times.

I also have a secondary issue of the device saying that the blink hex file is too large for the device which may be helpful.


Question relating to:

BLE Nano is the smallest Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy (BLE) development board in the market. The core is Nordic nRF51822 (an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC plus BLE capability) running at 16MHz …

Same issue with two of my nano's (all that I have).

posted by Don Browne 03 Feb 2016

Our team is having a similar issue as well. It used to work on our Window's 10 machines but it has stopped working this week. We do have a couple Window 7 machines it works on but we hope someone finds out what happened/changed that windows 10 couldn't be used.

It will recognize the device but it disconnects frequently and also will not allow any of the hex files to be uploaded.

posted by Eddy Ha 04 Feb 2016

I have this same problem with the nRF51-DK from Nordic. Wondering if this is a general firmware issue across the Nordic platforms? Experienced this on Win10 + Mac OS X 10.x

posted by David J Kordsmeier 05 Feb 2016

I am having the same problem, running Windows 10, updated bootloader firmware to latest and still have the problem. I have had success with the ble nano in the past but having problems now. Hex file does not even complete copying to ble nano drive, it only completes 20% to 50% and the nano disconnects. Will try with Windows XP.

posted by trekker777@... 05 Feb 2016

Update to my earlier comment, my pc dual boots and I booted to ubuntu 14.04. ble nano works perfectly with no random disconnects and does not disconnect in the middle of a .hex transfer. For now I will do all development with this board using ubuntu.

posted by trekker777@... 05 Feb 2016

I'm having same issue on Win10 machine of disconnect/reconnect and file too large when copying. Reboots don't fix. Any other solutions available?

posted by shaggy gi 07 May 2016

I'm having the same problem as well, on Windows 10. Also tried to reboot and updated all the firmware to the latest version, it recognizes the device but disconnects frequently and won't allow any of the hex files to be uploaded. It's telling me the hex file is too large and then the BLE nano disconnects.

posted by Linnéa Edström 11 May 2016

Same issue with two of my nano's (all that I have).

posted by Felícito Manzano 02 Jun 2016

2 Answers

8 years, 4 months ago.

I"m having this issue on Windows 10, and it used to work on 10. Still functions on XP.

Accepted Answer

Well it seems that with time issues will be taken care of. Been busy with school and other projects so today I came across and plugged her in. To my surprise the device works now.

posted by Philip Heuy 18 Mar 2016
8 years, 3 months ago.

If BLE nano USB connects and then disconnects periodically and you are using windows 10: 1. Pull it out of the usb port 2. Restart windows

This worked for me more than once.