8 years, 4 months ago.

Why pc.baud(115200); doesn't work?

Why pc.baud(115200); doesn't work for change baud rate virtual com port doesn't work? But for LPc and Freescale working well.

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Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F411RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.

Hello, It works perfectly fine for me. Are you sure the problem is not comming from something else?

Accepted Answer

This code: https://developer.mbed.org/users/mlee350/notebook/adafruit-ultimate-gps-breakout-board/

if myGPS.begin(9600) pc.baud for virtual com port too 9600. and no matter if I set pc.baud(115200); And if I change platform to LPC1768 or frdm K22f all work well.

posted by Dmitry Dzhafarkhanov 29 Jan 2016

Your GPS isn't somehow using the same UART as the virtual com port is is? I've seen things like you are describing when the same UART has been mapped to two sets of pins.

posted by Andy A 29 Jan 2016

I think p28 and p27 are not a valid combination to connect your GPS board.
You should try with the following:
for USART6:
TX : PC_6 or PA_11
RX : PC_7 or PA_12
for USART1
TX: PB_6, PA_9 or PA_15
RX: PB_7, PA_10 or PB_3
the virtual com port uses UART2

posted by Maxime TEISSIER 29 Jan 2016

Yes. i used uart2 for GPS. conflict resolved.

posted by Dmitry Dzhafarkhanov 04 Feb 2016