9 years, 3 months ago.

Using headerfiles for different projects


on online-compilerplatform I can create different programms. Sometimes I need the the same headerfiles for different programms. When changing content of a headerfile A.h in programm X it´s critical to forget deleting A.h on program Y and copying A.h from programm X to programm Y.

I hate this. I´d like to have my own library that´s available to all programms I have on online-platform. Can I do this or is it only possible sharing the same header-file by copying them into every programmproject?

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

You can make a new library with those files, publish it privately/public non-visible, and use that library in your different programs. If you then update it in one, it will NOT automatically update in the others, but you can just click righ mouse button on it, click update. (Then you do need to have re-published the changes you made though). So it is less chance on errors than by manually copying, but it will not automatically stay in sync.