9 years, 3 months ago.

Problems with using eclpse ide to compile exportet programms


I´ve installed eclipse Luna and gcc ARM embedded non-eabi from https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded. On onlineplatform i created new example and I ´ve used export function with options "EXPORT TOOLCHAIN GCC (ARM EMBEDDED)". When creating new project in Eclipse I can change GCC Arm embedded toolchain.

I´ve tried to import exportet files from website in Eclipse, but i cannot compile. I´ve used Eclipse-function "import projects", I´ve put the root directory to the unzipped exportet files from website - but no project was found.

I´ve also read information on this pages:

http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Exporting-to-GCC-ARM-Embedded http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Exporting-to-offline-toolchains

I don´t kinow how to use offline-compiling function with eclipse. My problem is the online-IDE is not available all the time and I prefer Eclipse-IDE to generate my programms. The online-ide is not the best.

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.


the online IDE or mbed SDK tools can generate makefile project, not eclipse. You have to create a new makefile project in Eclipse, and add there that makefile plus set GCC ARM. I have some articles avialable on my blgo or you can read it also here on mbed.

Read answers here https://developer.mbed.org/questions/5154/How-to-configure-Eclipse-IDE-with-GCC4MB/. I shared links there which should point you and be able to set up your project.

We should have a generic export for eclipse and use the gcc arm plugin

posted by Sam Grove 24 Feb 2015

yes ! that should be her ea long time ago :-) We can even build own eclipse ide, as theere are already available on github. This is something to look at

posted by Martin Kojtal 24 Feb 2015