9 years, 3 months ago.

Pinout description

Hello Mike,

I saw your main.cpp file and I think there is a typo for the pinout description of PTE0 and PTE1.

As far as I can understand from Freescale docs, PTE0 is on J2 pin 20 and PTE1 is on J2 pin 18. Do you agree or am I missing something?

Thanks and regards,


Question relating to:

An input/output controller for virtual pinball machines, with plunger position tracking, accelerometer-based nudge sensing, button input encoding, and feedback device control.

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

Vitor - I just checked the mbed pinout diagram and the board schematic, and both agree that PTE0 == J2-18 and PTE1 == J2-20. What pinout are you looking at that has the conflicting information?

Hello Mike,

I saw it on kl25z quick start guide. Probably they have it wrong.

My regards,


posted by Vitor Oliveira 24 Feb 2015

Interesting - I just looked at the quick start guide, which looks like it comes from the manufacturer, and you're right, it disagrees with the other documentation. And in fact the maufacturer's user manual and one of their own pin-out charts has the same conflicting information! So it's two against two so far. But it looks like someone else discovered this earlier:


The answer there is that the mbed diagram and schematics are right - PTE0==JT-18 and PT1==J2-20. I'll try to find a chance to test it empirically with my KL25Z and see which it actually is, but until then I'd give more weight to the schematics.

posted by Mike R 24 Feb 2015