9 years, 3 months ago.

ROS Hydro support?

Hi Nucho, The way messages are defined in Hydro are diffrent from the ones in Electric, I guess that's why my mbed is not able to communicate with ROS. Do you plan to update the library anytime soon? Also, the new mbed and MODserial libraries have been updated which causes compilation failure if updated in the project.

I tried updating the mbed library from the Arduino library I compiled, but I think there is some problem in the MbedHardware.h and the way it interacts with MODSerial library which I was not able to figure out. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

Here's the link to the library I am working on: http://developer.mbed.org/users/akashvibhute/code/rosserial_hydro/

Here's the error I am getting: Error: "mbed::Stream::Stream(const mbed::Stream &)" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/mbed_roshydro_testextras/mbed_e188a91d3eaa/Stream.h', '59'); return false;">/extras/mbed_e188a91d3eaa/Stream.h:59</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed_e188a91d3eaa/Serial.h", Line: 47, Col: 42

Thanks! Akash

Question relating to:

This program is porting rosserial_arduino for mbed http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial_arduino This program supported the revision of 169 of rosserial. This program contains an example. ROS

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

I have the same problem...

Well I hope the good people at Willow Garage will release a stable method to generate this library similiar to the one they have for Arduino...

posted by Akash Vibhute 18 Feb 2015

I spent some time solving this issue and I thing, the problem is in MODSERIAL library. But no idea, where and why. Similar problem was solved here: https://developer.mbed.org/questions/3661/I-have-compile-error-after-update-mbed-s/

posted by Jan Meindl 18 Feb 2015

Oh okay, I'll try to spend some time in that direction...

posted by Akash Vibhute 23 Feb 2015