8 years, 4 months ago.

"No mbed microcontrollers were found"!!

I got "No mbed Microcontrollers were found" even though my Nucleo is attached (in fact I have already programmed it several times through it)

on the other hand what does "no explorer drive windows open, run the installer" means???

Do I need to install any drivers for the STM32 (so far they were not necessary) The device manager shows the ST-link debug device with a yellow exclamation mark However as I said so far I had no problem programming the nucleo

Help please

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1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.

Resolve the yellow exclamation mark by installing the referenced ST-Link driver from this webpage:


and the rest should follow with the storage drive letter, etc.

After I installed the drivers, I didnt need to install the serial driver... is this correct..?

I still sometimes have some problems with Teraterm not recognizing my port... sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt

posted by Cristian Fuentes 22 Jan 2016

Update #2

Can you try with Realterm ? There is some delay in detecting the supported COM port after the binary code is saved -> target board is then automatically rebooted / restarted and then a few seconds later the COM port is enumerated (detected). Can you view your Device Manager to see the results of your testing ? If Device Manager can see the COM port then start Realterm and the same COM port should be detected.


posted by Sanjiv Bhatia 26 Jan 2016