8 years, 5 months ago.

Newbie Compilation and deployment question for this code example.

I would like to compile this mbed multiconnect code example and deploy it to the mdot dev kit I have. Currently I have the mdot connected to via my USB port and I see it as an hard disk on my windows 10 laptop. What are my next steps? Sorry if this has been asked before, just wanted to get a head start.

Thanks, Yogesh

Question relating to:

Connecting to gateway, sending packets with a MultiTech mDot and entering deepsleep mode between transmissions. Lora, low power, mdot, multitech, Sleep

1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.


You need top open you online compiler by clicking the blue "compiler" button at the top right of the page.

Make sure the mDot platform is added to your compiler by going to the mDot platform page and clicking the "Add to compiler" button on the right side of the page. If you see an "Open in compiler" button instead, you've already added it.

Then in your online compiler, select the program on the left side of the screen and make sure the mDot platform is selected as the compile target. The current compile target is shown in the top right corner of your online compiler. Then click the "compile" button in the top middle of the screen. The online compiler will build the application and download it into your downloads folder.

Then you just drag and drop the application onto the MULTITECH USB drive.

If you have other questions about getting started, I suggest taking a look at the mbed documentation.






Accepted Answer

Thanks a lot Mike for your quick response. I compiled as you suggested and copied it over to the mdot. Do I have to hit the reset button on the dev kit, like the documentation suggests in the mbed documents? Because I am guessing just copying the bin file over wouldn't to do anything?

I am a .NET programmer, so I am a little unsure of regarding the program executing in this platform, after the sleep period expires, will the "hello" message be re-transmitted to the gateway? Because I don't see anything being executed after the sleep period elapses?

posted by Yogesh k 11 Jan 2016

Yes, you will need to press the reset button on the UDK after programming the mDot. Wait until after the red and green LEDs on the UDK stop flashing.

That example program puts the mDot into deep sleep mode - peripherals are shut down, RAM contents are lost, etc. When the mDot wakes up from deep sleep, it starts executing the application from the beginning.

posted by Mike Fiore 11 Jan 2016

Thanks a lot Mike for your help and quick responses.

posted by Yogesh k 11 Jan 2016