8 years, 5 months ago.

mbed bootloader

I managed to burn out the 1768 on my mbed board. I replaced it but it isn't booting. Do I need to burn the bootloader? If so, where can I find it. Google doesn't know.


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1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.

It has no bootloader, the interface chip does the complete programming part. Does the MSD disk appear when you plug it in your PC?

I'm new at this so maybe i misunderstood as i thought the bootloader provided the MSD function. But no, it isn't detected by Windows at all. I found a bootloader on another site that i flashed and after that it would detect as an unknown device but that's it.


posted by Davey Maker 23 Dec 2015

The mbed LPC1768 has at the bottom a secondary chip (actually just an LPC11u35 with correct firmware IIRC) which performs the actual programming of the LPC1768. The advantage of this is that you have the entire LPC1768 for your program, with nothing hampering you.

posted by Erik - 23 Dec 2015