8 years, 5 months ago.

Code not working

Hi! I'm having a problem getting your example codes to work. I tried the MQTT HelloWorld first, but client connection kept failing. I tried the simple HelloESP8266Interface but that didn't even get an IP address. Lastly I tried the HTTP HelloWorld. I'm using the ESP - 01 with the stock AIThinker firmware. What should I do to get this to work? Thanks, Andreas

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Team for developers working on the ESP8266 WiFi SOC.

1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.

The mbed ESP8266 library is based on the firmware from Espressif, the ATThinker firmware is way out of date last we checked. Try updating your firmware with the instructions here : https://developer.mbed.org/teams/ESP8266/wiki/Firmware-Update

Accepted Answer

I don't understand what you mean by "way out of date". The firmware is dated as sometime in June, this year. In any case, the AT commands work just fine. On hooking up a logic analyser to the chip and running the HelloWorld code, I notice that the module answers correctly, but your API misinterprets some things. Specifically, it doesn't receive the IP address correctly, and seems to botch up the server address.

posted by Andreas Ragen Ayal 22 Dec 2015

I found the problem: it had to do with the organic matter between my computer screen and chair. Thank you for the well written API. :)

posted by Andreas Ragen Ayal 22 Dec 2015