8 years, 6 months ago.

My FRDM-KL25Z board is not getting detected

My FRDM-KL25Z board is not getting detected, but it gets powered on. I am using windows 10 (does it make a difference?)

Question relating to:

Are you connected to the port labeled OpenSDA?

posted by Sam Grove 03 Dec 2015

I never used in windows 10, actualy, I havent updated to avoid this type of problem. I had this problem once, but in my case, it used to enter the bootloader mode when I pressed and held the reset button. Then I just changed to a windows 7 machine and updated the firmware. And it worked =) Did you try to do that in another computer?

posted by Thiago . 07 Dec 2015

2 Answers

8 years, 6 months ago.

Are you connected to the port labeled OpenSDA?

I have the same problema with KL46Z on Win8.1, well connected to the OpenSDA pory. Please advise

posted by Enrique Garcia 04 Dec 2015

There are older versions of the PE Micro bootloader and interface firmware that do not work with Mac and Windows 8 and newer. You should update both the bootloader and interface firmware with a Windows 7 or older PC.


posted by Sam Grove 04 Dec 2015

Hi.. I did connect to the open sda port... It doesn't even show up.. Therefore I'm not even able to update the bootloader

posted by shreyus G 04 Dec 2015
8 years, 6 months ago.

it was not working on windows 10, i used windows xp , then its was working.

Nice to know, I am not going to update m windows then.

posted by Thiago . 10 Dec 2015