9 years, 4 months ago.

how big is spi buffer on lpc1768?


exists on lpc1768 an spi-buffer or is it only possible to send one 8bit-word? I´m using lpc... als spi-slave.

When doing this several times on slave:

SPISlave device(p5, p6, p7, p8); mosi, miso, sclk, ssel

device.reply(1); device.reply(2); ... device.reply(30)

and this on master (python spidev on raspberry pi):

result = spi.read(30).

I only receive the first device.reply(1). The following values will not be sended. But when doing this on master:

for x in range (30): result = spi.read(1) print (result)

I can receive all 30 values from spi-slave.

Does function device.reply (value) on spi-slave putting only data into spi-buffer, when chip-select changes and data-transmit between bits?

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