8 years, 6 months ago.

ADXL345 giving only 0,0,0 values

I interfaced adxl345 to mbed lpc1768 using both spi and i2c protocols. I tried using the standard programs and libraries from the mbed.org site. But it was giving only 0,0,0 values in the serial communication. Is it fault in my code or any defect in the hardware. please help me with this. Thanks in advance.

Question relating to:

ADXL345 triple axis, digital accelerometer library.

No one can answer a question that you have assigned to yourself. And please don't keep posting the same question over and over again. The reason no one has answered is that the answer is that yes the problem is either your software or your hardware.

How on earth are we supposed to tell you where the problem is if you don't give any details about what you have done? How have you connected the hardware? Which mbed, which pins, directly to the ADXL345 or is it on some module? Where is power supply from?

What is your software? Post the code (using <code> tags) not just the library you are using.

posted by Andy A 19 Nov 2015
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Assigned to jayanth kumar 8 years, 6 months ago.

This means that the question has been accepted and is being worked on.