8 years, 7 months ago.

Compatible LCDs and I2C to be interfaced with ARM mbed

Hi all, I am currently looking for all I2C and LCDs which are able to be able to interfaced with an ARM mbed. I have looked on the site, but am struggling to find which ones are suitable for the ARM mbed. any help would be hugely appreciated. thank you in advance.

1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

Are you looking for character LCDs? Did you checkout my lib and component page. The notebook page has several examples of controllers that support I2C. Alternatively you can drive an LCD controller in 4bit parallel bus mode using I2C or SPI port expanders.

Hi Wim, firstly thank you for the response. Yes it will just be a character LCD just to display "Hello World" etc. I did checkout those pages briefly, the "notebook page" had a great list, but unfortunately I need specifications for each display that is compatible, vice versa for the I2C. I think it may be a process of going through every product and trying to find the info?

posted by craig smith 09 Nov 2015

Not sure what you mean by ''specs for each display that is compatible''. It must be pretty much impossible to get a complete list of all displays that are compatible. There a quite of lot of controllers that support I2C, many will have public datasheets, but some of them don't. The manufacturer of the Display can also have a go at different LCD materials, different circuitry, different board dimensions and even pinouts. What specs are you looking for? If you need just one or two then go on ebay or try Farnell, Digikey etc. When you need many then vendors like Farnell can at least provide some certainty that they are all the same type.. They typically have a search function and downloadable datasheets. See here

posted by Wim Huiskamp 09 Nov 2015