8 years, 7 months ago.

official mbed board or nucleo?

Hi, I'm going to buy myself a development board soon and I was wondering if it is worth spending the extra money and getting the official mbed board or just buying a cheap M3 nucleo board , also if you don't get the official board does that mean some features wont work or will it work just the same as the mbed will?


1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

It will (almost) all work, there are just some pros and cons for most boards. The original mbed board (I assume you mean the LPC1768) is one of the most efficient in their mbed implementation. However for example its PWMs can only run at a single period, and its low-power implementation is horrible. Meanwhile the low power implementation of most STMs is just bad instead of horrible.

For the LPC1768 there are the most custom user libraries (many work on all boards, but those for a specific one are mainly LPC1768, simply because for a long time that was the only board).

So it depends on what you want to do with it exactly, but to be fair, if you just want to buy something to get started, both will do fine. The KL25/KL46 are also good options if an M0 will be sufficient.

Accepted Answer