9 years, 3 months ago.

Use MBED with my own design

Hi All , I am new in this website and I have question regards use MBED in my owb design, My experience in MCU word is that I use commercial compiler such as MPLAP and MIkroc. I wanna to move on to new compiler , I design my own pcb with the shape I want , my question is that let say I bought u-blox C027 , and I start development on the board and after I finish I want to order same mcu and same of some components on this board also I may add GSM module on it and start my own design , then, can I use mbed in my board ?

if yes , please provided some link which talk about this section and what external components I need to use .

thanks in advance


2 Answers

9 years, 3 months ago.

I am using my own design PCB with an STM32F103C8 microcontroller and using mbed is easy as to choose the closest evaluation board for the project and flashing the micro with a J-TAG debugger. My design was minimal in components and every I/O pin is exposed through a pin header, I use external crystals for the main and the RTC clocks . In a very basic setup you only need the power pins connected (Vdd,Vss - do not forget the needed capacitors) since all of the microcontrollers have internal RC oscillators. For STM32 you need also to use BOOT0/BOOT1 pins to choose the boot mode of the chip. For programming/debugging you either need to provide a JTAG connectivity (search for the TDI,TDO,TCLK,TMS,TRST pins that exist in your microcontroller) or a serial one (there is a BOOT combination which starts the microcontroller with a on-chip bootloader program that can be used to program the microcontroller with the help of FlashMagic). In case you choose JTAG you'll need a JTAG debugger like J-Link, uLink etc etc If you are using STM32 you can use one of the cheap evaluation boards that works as an ST-Link to program/debug your board.

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your clear explanation. regards to you

posted by Lansen altunij 04 Feb 2015
9 years, 3 months ago.

Take a look at http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/mbed-HDK

That should tell you what necessary bits to include on your board.


posted by Lansen altunij 04 Feb 2015