8 years, 7 months ago.

CAN port on STM32F407VGT6.

Hello, every one~

I'm looking for which pins can be used as CAN rx or tx on STM32F407VGT6 (the mcu of STM32F4-DISCO). I went through "PeripheralPins.c" and failed to find the CAN port defination. Although I can find several pins support CAN in the manual of the chip, I think the mbed lib may not support CAN on STM32F407VGT6. Have any one has an idea about this?

As far as I know, the mbed lib 'should' support CAN communication. Perhaps there's somewhere else in the mbed lib that defines the CAN port. Can any one tell me where it is?

Thanks a lot!

1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

The predefined pinnames are found in the mbed-src code. See here. There is no definition to be found for CAN and you are right that CAN is not yet supported in mbed for the ST series. This is also reflected by the absence of the can_api.c and the missing CAN define in the device.h file here Maybe someone has already developed a library or you could check the ST Cube libraries for examples.

The above defines and code are present on some other platforms eg the LPC1768.

Accepted Answer

Thank you. I hope CAN will be supported soon for the ST series.

posted by Jerry Chan 12 Oct 2015

With NUCLEO-F103RB you might give CAN_Nucleo_Hello a try.

posted by Zoltan Hudak 29 Oct 2015