8 years, 8 months ago.

NTPClient reads Fri 01-Jan-2066 02:00:00

NTPClient reads Fri 01-Jan-2066 02:00:00 (or 00:00:00), or it hangs reading the time.

Reading time: [NTPClient : DBG]Time is set to (UTC): Fri Jan  1 00:00:00 2066

[NTPClient : DBG]Binding socket
[NTPClient : DBG]Ping
[NTPClient : DBG]Pong

I use cc3000 on DISCO-F746NG. From the laptop, I can ping the NTP server, and I tried to retrieve the time from several NTP servers, with no luck.

It appears if DUBUG is enabled it never hangs, but comes with a wrong date and time. If it is disabled, it often hangs.

What could be the problem?

    // Read time from server
    NTPClient ntp_client;
    // NTP Server Parameters
//    char* domain_name = "";
    char* domain_name = "2.nl.pool.ntp.org";
//    char* domain_name = "0.uk.pool.ntp.org";
    int   port_number = 123;
    time_t ct_time;
    char time_buffer[80];    
    char time_buffer_old[80];    

    printf("Reading time: ");
    if (ntp_client.setTime(domain_name, port_number) == 0) {
        ct_time = time(NULL) + 7200; // Summer time - Convert to Europe/Amsterdam Time
        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
        printf("Time            : %s\r\n", time_buffer);
    } else {

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