8 years, 8 months ago.

Is this library compatible with inAir9B ?

What is different when using this library with inAir9B ? I can't get my 2 inAir9B communicating in a range greater than half a metter.

Question relating to:

Based on SX1276Lib. Simplified and targeted for Modtronix inAir modules. All pins can now be specified to use interrupts or general purpose I/O pins. inAir, SX1276, SX1278

Exactly the same problem here!

I open sourced the project here https://github.com/mayeranalytics/pySX127x, it's python on a Raspberry Pi. Even when I copy the register settings 1-1 I cannot get a range of more than a few meters.

Also see the blog post containing a screenshot of my Spectran HF-4040 measurement: http://forum.modtronix.com/index.php?topic=2229.msg10164#msg10164 /media/uploads/mcmayer/inair9b_spectran_4040_reading.png

posted by Markus Mayer 11 Oct 2015


I figured out that to use the inAir9b with the standard Semtech lib, I needed to override the SX1276MB1xAS::GetPaSelect function and force it to return RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST.

Hope this will help.


posted by -deleted- 01 Dec 2015
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