8 years, 8 months ago.

mDot "Hello World" program does not work on my mDot

I flash the mDot example program "Hello World" on my mDot which is connected to a UDK2 micro development platform but nothing happens. Any idea why this program does not work on my mDot?



Question relating to:

An example program for the mDot that blinks LED1 and prints a message to the debug port.

2 Answers

8 years, 8 months ago.

Hi James, Take a look at lines 9 - 16:

// Uncomment this line if using a full sized UDK2.0 instead of a Micro UDK
// #define UDK2 1
#ifdef UDK2
DigitalOut led(LED1);
DigitalOut led(XBEE_RSSI);

If you're using the full size UDK, you'll need to uncomment the second line in the snippet so the program toggles the proper pin.

Cheers, Mike

Accepted Answer


Thanks for the help. Did not realize that I had the full sized UDK2.0. Making this change fixed the issue.

posted by James Coleman 05 Oct 2015
8 years, 8 months ago.

What do you mean by "does not work" ? does it not flash the LEDs as expected? Did it flash the mDot correctly? Is there a file in the mDot drive called fail.txt? Was the file sent to the mDot correctly with no warnings in your browser?

I have seen that I sometimes need to try it twice before it will correctly flash the image.



Sorry for not providing additional information. The program does flash and print "Hello World" to my terminal. The LED does not flash as expected. Is there something that I need to do to get the LED to flash?



posted by James Coleman 05 Oct 2015