8 years, 8 months ago.

Why is the "Export to uVision" not available?


2 Answers

8 years, 8 months ago.


I tried exporting to uversion4 for stm32, and this works. /media/uploads/Setsuna/qq--20151005091422.jpg I think Miloje is right, this may be platform dependent. You may try build the mbed lib for your platformon your computer. But this will be a little more complicated.

Accepted Answer

Thank you for reply!

posted by kazuo adoh 05 Oct 2015

@kazuo adoh In fact, I met some problems after exporting to keil. Finally I chose to open this exported project in Keil 5 instead of 4.

posted by Jerry Chan 05 Oct 2015
8 years, 8 months ago.

Hi kazuo,

I tried for LPC1768 and it works.


It seems that it is platform dependent.

Cheers, Miloje

Hi Miloje, Thank you for reply!

posted by kazuo adoh 05 Oct 2015