8 years, 8 months ago.

Import nrf 51822 example project,complie error,someone help me!

Import nrf 51822 example project,complie error,someone help me!

Error: Cannot open source input file "system_nrf51.h": No such file or directory in "nRF51822/nordic-sdk/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf51.h", Line: 120, Col: 131

Question relating to:

To get started with Seeed Tiny BLE, include detecting motion, button and battery level. MPU6050, Seeed_Tiny_BLE

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

So the Seeed_Tiny_BLE_Get_Started does not run on the Seeed Tiny BLE board? That's odd. It looks like you only have the NUCLEO-F030R8 board on your profile, which does not have the nRF51822 chip.