9 years, 4 months ago.

Android SimpleChat not working

Using mbed lpc1768 and this library. SimpleChat program. The ios SimpleChat client works great. The Android one does not even find the device when scanning.

Nexus 7 Android 5.0.x also tried with 4.4.4

Get the message No BLE device was found.


Eric Palmer

Question relating to:

It is the Nordic nRF8001 BLE library for RedBearLab BLE Shield v2.1 or above. It is compatible with the platforms those soldered Arduino compatible form factor. The library is ported … BLE, nRF8001, RedBearLab

1 Answer

9 years, 1 month ago.

I've got the same issue Eric. iOS works, android doesn't...

Have you been able to solve it?