11 years, 2 months ago.

How do I tell which AndroidAccessory library is the right one?

Neither of the two Android libraries have a good documentation page... How do I tell which one I want?

Can you put some effort into documentation? I would help, but I am just starting with these libraries. Maybe in a few weeks I can help if you're interested...

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1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

The library from Rich Bayliss has an example https://mbed.org/users/richbayliss/code/AndroidAccessory/docs/ca0516beb781/classAndroidAccessory.html

and the library from Giles Barton Owen has API documentation https://mbed.org/users/p07gbar/code/AndroidAccessory/docs/tip/

Giles' library has a larger number of imports, which is perhaps an indication that it is more popular. It also has two published programs that use it, which you could use as examples too https://mbed.org/users/p07gbar/code/AndroidAccessory/dependents

Accepted Answer

Do you know if there has been any work towards getting one of these libraries to work with the Freescale KL25Z?

posted by Eric Fossum 11 Apr 2013