8 years, 10 months ago.

Download the software into the Cortex M3 LPC1768


I have just download Keil uVision 4

I also export the program in Keil format from the website

I have run it and it work but I can not implement the software inside the microcontroller

Someone could help ?? Thank you :)))

Question relating to:


At first I m new Keil user so maybe I have made a mistake in configuration...

Please let me explain what I have done

I have downloaded Keil and build on it the project exported. It works well!.

I want to load the software into the microcontroller but It gives an error << No UNLINK Device found>>

Keil is configured for the LPC1768 device

I hope it clarify the problem Thank you so much

posted by antonio mbed 06 Aug 2015

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

Please give more information. Why can you not upload the bin file? If you have a recent firmware version for the LPC1768 it has a CMSIS-DAP debugger onboard, and you should be able to use that to upload from Keil. Otherwise there is a build folder (or whatever it is called) inside your project folder, which should have a bin file after building. This you can drag and drop on your mbed.


At first I m new Keil user so maybe I have made a mistake in configuration...

Please let me explain what I have done

I have downloaded Keil and build on it the project exported. It works well!.

I want to load the software into the microcontroller but It gives an error << No UNLINK Device found>>

Keil is configured for the LPC1768 device

I hope it clarifies the problem Thank you so much

posted by antonio mbed 06 Aug 2015

In your project settigns somewhere you should be able to select which debugger it should use. Something like mbed CMSIS-DAP should be in the list, select it. Otherwise try newer firmware: https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Firmware-LPC1768-LPC11U24

posted by Erik - 06 Aug 2015