8 years, 10 months ago.

BLE not detectable

Hi - I have a BLE Nano Kit -

1) I soldered as per specification. 2) Connected to my Mac Pro. 3) Shows up as MBED drive. 4) Through developer.mbed.org online compiler, I downloaded the HEX file for BLE_Thermometer program. 5) copied it to USB drive MBED. 6) LED starts blinking.

On my mobile phone I am not able to detect this BLE Nano as a discoverable device to connect to. Also in less than a minute led stops blinking and error file in drive gets created with error as TIMEOUT.

Can you help me how to make it discoverable so that I can connect it with my mobile phone first and then communicate between app and BLE device???

Question relating to:

/ BLE_Thermometer Featured
BLE demo for the Health-Thermometer service. BLE, bluetooth smart, Health, thermometer

This is odd. Can you try the iBeacon or heartRate demos on this platform?

posted by Rohit Grover 05 Aug 2015
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