9 years, 6 months ago.

Error: #error directive: "CMSIS Target not recognised" in "extras/mbed_63bcd7ba4912/cmsis.h"


Apologies if I'm being useless! I'm having an issue with myBlueUSB - when I import the library to my project, and build it (ctrl + b), i get the error:

Error: #error directive: "CMSIS Target not recognised" in "extras/mbed_63bcd7ba4912/cmsis.h", Line: 16, Col: 2

All other posts (like this one http://developer.mbed.org/questions/3508/error-directive-CMSIS-Target-not-recogni/) tell me to update to the latest revision of the code, which I have done. I can't find extras/mbed_63bcd7ba4912/cmsis.h, so can't look what the issue is.

I'm wildly guessing that it's something to do with not recognising/being compatible with my device (Seeed Arch BLE (I had to import the library nRF51822)), but I'm new to this and don't really understand.

I'd appreciate any help!

Many thanks, Alex

Question relating to:

Test version of BlueUSB stack. Includes SDP and RFCOMM. As Client it allows to connect to my fischertechnik TX Controller. As Server it echo\\\\\\\'s characters to Putty. PIN=1234 blueusb, fischertechnik, massstorage, rfcomm, SDP, spp

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

You need to update the mbed library. However that is an USB stack which runs on the target microcontroller, and I don't think the NRF has a USB peripheral. The USB port your board has is being run by an interface IC which you cannot program (well except for firmware updates).

Thank you. You're right, though - I hadn't realised that myBlueUSB was for USB peripherals (despite it being in the name!). I'm looking for a library that implements similar functionality (rfcomm/l2cap data transfer etc), but for my NRF board (so with built-in bluetooth, as opposed to an external USB dongle). Would you be able to suggest an alternative, aside from writing my own?

posted by Alexander Lea 30 Nov 2014

BLE is not the same as bluetooth, so I don't know what it can do exactly. But here is BLE stuff: http://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/

posted by Erik - 01 Dec 2014