8 years, 10 months ago.

Trying to register ARM mbed IoT Starter Kit -- getting INVALID BINARY NVIC

I've been following the instructions here: https://developer.ibm.com/remix/tutorials/arm-mbed-iot-starter-kit-part-2/ to register my device (I've been able to read data from the board already, etc.).

I've imported IBMIoTClientEthernetExample into the online compiler, with the target in the online compiler set to FRDM-K64F, adjusting the following lines in main.cpp (I've put XXX in to obscure my token and org id, but the type is verbatim):

 #define ORG "XXXXXX"             // For a registered connection, replace with your org
 #define ID "XXXXXXXXXXXX"                        // For a registered connection, replace with your id
 #define AUTH_TOKEN "XXXXXXXXX"                // For a registered connection, replace with your auth-token
 #define TYPE "mbedkit"       // For a registered connection, replace with your type

The bin compiles, but after I download it to my Mac and attempt to copy it in the finder to the MBED drive, I get an error message "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “IBMIoTClientEthernetExample_K64F.bin” can’t be read or written." When I use cp in the Terminal, I don't get an error message, and the file appears to transfer. But on resetting the board, I find a fail.txt file in the MBED drive which says "INVALID BINARY NVIC"

Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks for your time and attention,


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