8 years, 11 months ago.

Firmware Building Process


I am trying to build your firmware for my LoRaMote (SX1272LM1BAP) from Semtech. When I try to import it into my mbed project, it says that I have to select a target plattform. Which target plattform are you using? Can you give me a quick step through?

lg Franz

Question relating to:

LMIC transmit example for NAmote-72 with GPS

I'm in beta mode, but I don't see the NAmote-72 platform. I want to program the SX1272LM1CEP with the NAmote_GPS code.

posted by Barry O'Mahony 27 Oct 2015

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.

You need to select NAmote-72 platform. It hasnt been released yet. It can be accessed in beta mode. Or you could import mbed_src_STM32L152RC instead of offical mbed library and use the nucleo-L152RE platform for the mote.

I've found two issues trying build this way. 1) hal.h, hal.cpp and debug.cpp are not built, nor found by the lmic methods. This requires moving hal.h up one level and the .cpp files up two levels. 2) duplicate definition of HAL_RTCEx_WakeUpTimerEventCallback (in hal.cpp and low_power_timer.c) both implementations are the same.

posted by Dave Kjendal 03 Jul 2015

When will it be released?

posted by Franz Finke 07 Jul 2015