8 years, 11 months ago.

Mbed library for K64F is built with softfp

I am working on the FRDM-K64F board. The floating point is present by default for this processors. I am using the mbed library which is built with softfp. Is there any possibility to get the mbed official library for K64F which is built with hard ?

Where can i find the makefile that are used to compile this mbed libraries (libmbed) ? This will be helpful for me to understand what flags are used in the process of compilation.

Question relating to:

mbed library sources mbed

Use the mbed-src library instead of the mbed library. That will bring it into your project as source. Then use the exporter for the appropriate compiler you are using. The make is trivial - compile everything.

posted by Philllip Dimond 29 Jun 2015

Thanks Philip. I can try this option also. But it would be good if we have library provided by the mbed-official that uses the hardfp for this processor instead of softfp. If i do it myself as you suggested, then every time i need to recompile when ever these is a change in the mbed-source.

Is that possible for mbed-official to provide the library built with hardfp ?

posted by Jags K 29 Jun 2015

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.


I tracked this down to this pull request a while ago: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/pull/224/files . It changed hardfp to softp. There is even a comment for that pull request about that change.

Can you create an issue on github ? @dinau might respond there why it was changed, I can't recall now.