8 years, 11 months ago.

I am getting the "No mbed microcontrollers were found" error upon install

I have the nucleo-f103rb. I want to use the virtual serial port, but I get the "no mbed microcontrollers were found" error when I try to install the mbedWinSerial_16466.exe.

COM3: STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port is listed and "operating properly". But I get no information when a terminal is setup at 9600 baud etc. etc.

The operating system is Windows 7 Professional, version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

Please Advise, Thanks!

Question relating to:

I figured it out. It looks like my computer didn't work with STSW-LINK007. I found a STSW-LINK009, and it works like a champ.

posted by Jeffrey Rollman 26 Jun 2015

WOW, the documentation on this problem is terrible. You need a step-by-step procedure which includes jumper placement on the MTUDK2 board, then what connections are needed to the board. The current procedure is just "install the driver", and then, if get the error message, check to see if a module is installed. OK, OK... a module is installed. Now what?

posted by edward hiskes 13 Nov 2015

Last JUNE, another user wrote: Hello, thank you for the information. I have serial data moving through the STLINK Tx line, but I still do not get anything through the Virtual USB serial port. I will keep attempting to try new things, but if you have anything to add that might be helpful, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

That user said he found another driver on some "Nucleo" site.... whatever that is. It seems like two drivers are required ... one for the USB-Serial on the MTUDK2 board... and another that actually finds the module. Is that correct?

posted by edward hiskes 13 Nov 2015

For STM boards like NUCLEO-F446RE and so on, you should install the ST-link driver; for other boards you can install mbed serial port driver. The following website will help you. https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/debugging/printf/

posted by Tether Tube 06 Jul 2018

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.

That one is not used for the STM MCUs (Yes they should mention that). You just need there the latest STLink drivers, found on your platform page: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F103RB/

Accepted Answer

Hello, thank you for the information. I have serial data moving through the STLINK Tx line, but I still do not get anything through the Virtual USB serial port. I will keep attempting to try new things, but if you have anything to add that might be helpful, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

posted by Jeffrey Rollman 26 Jun 2015

For STM boards like NUCLEO-F446RE and so on, you should install the ST-link driver; for other boards you can install mbed serial port driver. The following website will help you. https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/debugging/printf/

posted by Tether Tube 06 Jul 2018