9 years ago.

How to write into SDCard block by block using FRDMKL46Z?How to optimize file write time on SD Card?

I have written into SD Card using the FAT File Library available using SPI and found that the write time for writing the same amount of data increases linearly with the number of files written on the SD Card.Write time does matter me. Is there a method or technique to employ to curb this increase in write time? Or else will writing raw data help? Suggest how to write raw data or any other technique to solve the problem of write time using FRDM KL46Z.

1 Answer

9 years ago.

The library uses CHAN fs, pretty good documented. Look at http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html and the link to the application notes. Do not format a SD card with your OS format: there is a special formatting tool for sd cards.