9 years ago.

LPC1768 compile error : Unrecognized tolen

I also developing the program, which connect to PC by using ethernet. But, when I compile, these errors occur.

Error: Unrecognized token "\005\026\007\002\ Mac OS X \002 2 \016? \002 \ 016? \014? ATTR;?\016? ? h \002 ? Y \025com.apple.quarantine \001\025\017\027\com.apple.TextEncoding ;E0001;551a775f;Google\x20Chrome.app;EA0798D8-7AA7-4C9F-AE30-D61E01E262E9|com.google.ChromeUTF-8;134217984 \001 \014S\013S J"


And I also use these libraries. "EthernetInterface", "mbed-rtos" "QEI"

I have no idea with this error means.

Please , Please help me!!

thank you. Ryo

1 Answer

9 years ago.

Hi Amano-san,

I am not sure a cause of the error, but probably there may be multi byte characters in your code in unexpected place. Off course you can use multi byte characters for comments and string literals in your C/C++ code, but not other place. Most probably this is double byte space? (全角スペース)

If you are not sure, please publish your code and we will find out.