9 years, 5 months ago.

Error: Too many arguments in function call in "TouchSense/TouchSense.h", Line: 100, Col: 33

Hello, Thank you for your work, but when I try to compile for nRF51822 I have this error:

Error: Too many arguments in function call in "TouchSense/TouchSense.h", Line: 100, Col: 33 line 100> gpio_init(&gpio, mypin, PIN_OUTPUT);

I'm a total newbie, do you have any clue?


Question relating to:

A capacitive touch sensor using a analog input port. AnalogIn, Capacitive, digitalOut, sensor, touch

1 Answer

8 years, 6 months ago.

before: gpio_init(&gpio, mypin, PIN_OUTPUT);

after: gpio_init_out(&gpio, mypin);