9 years, 6 months ago.

Blinky Dissapears Once Uploaded

I am able to compile the blinky example with the BLEnano as the target, but when I drag and drop it into the mbed folder it closes and then reopens with the file I just transferred not showing up. Any hints? Anybody else out their trying to use the BLEnano?

Question relating to:

BLE Nano is the smallest Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy (BLE) development board in the market. The core is Nordic nRF51822 (an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC plus BLE capability) running at 16MHz …

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

This is normal behaviour. The executable file should be flashed into the target when you drag and drop. Press the reset button and it should start running. Note that only the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 mbed modules have a memory onboard that still show the drag and dropped files.