11 years, 3 months ago.

I2C communication with freedom board

Can somebody help me to figure out how to setup I2C on freedom board. I take an example I2C Debug for realterm. This example work perfectly with LPC1768 board On Freescale board I setup communication with PTC9 and PTC8 for SDA and SCL I compile it with KL25Z option and I get initial messages on my terminal. But I2C doensn't work on it. Thank you for help

Hi, please can you provide more information such as:

  • the code you are using
  • your hardware (pull up resistors)

Cheers, Sam

posted by Samuel Mokrani 07 Mar 2013

This code work with LPC1768: DigitalOut myled(LED1); Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); I2C i2c(p9,p10);

This code doesn't work with KL 25Z: DigitalOut myled(LED1); Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); I2C i2c(PCE9,PCE8); I receive NACK after every I2C transition on a bus

I have 4,7k pullup resistors between SDA,SCL and 3.3 V Thank you for help

posted by Dima Ostrenko 07 Mar 2013

Please can you post all your code using the <<code>><</code>> tag. It will be easier for other people to help you. Which peripheral do you want to access over I2C (accelerometer, temperature sensor, ...)

posted by Samuel Mokrani 07 Mar 2013
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