9 years ago.

Comple error in this library with W5200

I can't compile this


Class WIZnet_chip has no member is_fin_received return eth->is_fin_received(_sock_fd);

in WIZnet_Library/WIZnetinterface/Socket/TCPSocketConecction.cpp

I use WIZnet W5200. I chaned WIZnet_Library/WIZnetinterface/WIZnet/wizneh.h as follows.

#define USE_W5500

  1. define USE_W5200 #define USE_W5100

Question relating to:

This is WIZnet Ethernet Interface using Hardware TCP/IP chip, W5500, W5200 and W5100. One of them can be selected by enabling it in wiznet.h. ethernet, tcp/ip, w5100, W5200, W5500, Wiznet
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