9 years ago.

uvproj file for Keil ARM MDK-5.14, uVision4.10

I dowloaded the cmsis_dap source from https://github.com/ARMmbed/CMSIS-DAP and I am trying to use the project file \CMSIS-DAP-master\interface\mdk\lpc11u35\lpc11u35_interface.uvproj - compile it and basically learn a little bit about the architecture of cmsis-dap.

However, I get the error " Keil\tools.in does not contain valid toolchain". While searching for a solution I came across http://www.keil.com/support/docs/3577.htm

I am kind of a newbie and was wondering how to create a new proj file, as I do not understand the cmsis_dap architecture all that very well. I am hoping someone will be able to provide some insight as to how I can compile. Does anybody have a uvproj file compatible with uVision4 , or makefile for arm-none-eabi toolchain ?


Question relating to:

Update: I was able to compile the interface firmware and bootloader after I installed the Keil Legacy support (http://www2.keil.com/mdk5/legacy/) at the same install directory as original Keil ARM MDK-5.14.

posted by newbie here 20 May 2015
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